Truth and Bullshit

There is truth, and there is bullshit.

The truth may not be easy to find, but with effort, one can distinguish it from bullshit.

Honesty is the dedication to truth and the rejection of bullshit.

Dishonesty is the dedication to bullshit.

Dishonest people promote bullshit, and they hope others will accept it.

Dishonest people fear the truth. They repel or attempt to defeat or even destroy truthful people.

Dishonest people want respect for their bullshit, and they despise anyone who rejects it.

Honest people can mistakenly accept bullshit. They may err, but they seek evidence for their positions and will observe contrary evidence, so they can ultimately discover and reject the bullshit they have fallen for.

A dishonest person denies evidence presented against his bullshit, and he's satisfied with his position as long as he can repel, defeat or destroy anyone who disagrees with him.

An honest person seeks truth and doesn't wish to harm those who disagree with him. He wants to persuade them. He doesn't want their resignation or destruction. He wants them to agree voluntarily—to understand.

A dishonest person seeks control over others.

A dishonest person once gave up, and now he expects the same from others.

An honest person wants to learn and work with others to find the truth. He won't give up.


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